Also put the finishing touches on the trans cover with the addition of the insulating material and the Lokar gas pedal.
The insulating material is from Home Depot and is intended as a cover for heat ducting. The back side is adhesive and the front is a foil type material. It was a tip from several members of the ChevyTalk forums.
Yesterday I was finally able to get back to working on the car and had a good day. The transmission is installed and bolted in place. The crossmember my brother modified for me aligned perfectly and it is all bolted in now. I reattached the brake line running from the master cylinder to the passenger frame rail junction. That completes the brake system reconnects. Now I have to bleed the brakes. The clutch linkage is installed and adjusted. The battery box is bolted back in with the exception of one bolt that is giving me a bit of a pain. The generator is laying on the bracket awaiting the fan belt. However, I discovered the crank balancer is so close to the body that I can't slip the fan belt under it! I'm going to have to loosen one or both of the front motor mounts, raise the engine about a 1/2" and slide the fan belt on. Then lower the engine and retighten the bolt(s). The oil pressure line is connected and tight and the water line from the rear of the intake manifold to the block is installed and tight. All four wheels are back on the car and it's on the floor again. I've measured for the driveshaft and plan to call in the order tomorrow to Southwest Speed in Ft. Smith, Ar. Another ChevyTalk tip led to finding this supplier. They have driveshafts in stock at the best prices I've seen - $160 + $15 shipping.
Obviously, I missed my goal of having the 41 on the road by May 1st. Regardless, I've learned a lot and overcome all the issues so far and that feels real good. Now I'm shooting for completion and debugging prior to Memorial Day so the wife and I can drive the 41 in the Jenison Memorial Day Parade. The clock is ticking!
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